Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday Night

It's Friday night/Saturday morning.  Hung out with Tommy, Jessica, Nick, Xander, Stephanie, Morgan, and Chloe earlier tonight.  Had a couple (too many) drinks (milk and kool-aid) and played Rock Band on the 360.  Good times.  Sometimes I get paranoid about the information I post online.  If it were to fall into the wrong hands, I could be in big trouble.  Big Brother is watching.  What am I talking about?  Just being KRazy.  I just posted my blog address onto my myspace.  If you are visiting via myspace, WELCOME.  I know my blog is nothing special, but it is a work in progress.  Check back frequently and it should improve (hopefully).  New Years is right around the corner.  Once again I have no definite plans.  Anything is possible.  Personally, I've never believed much in making new year resolutions.  Seems like a cop-out.  Why change something on December 31?  Why not do it on March 3rd or October 14th?  I suppose it is all about making a new start for a new year.  I just find it sad that many people have to wait until December 31 to attempt change.  Change of any type is very hard.  Thanks everyone.  Keep in touch.  Until next time, Adios.       

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